Our Project

Description of the Project

Our Project

PEPA is a project aimed at training migrant women by allowing them to support other women in learning and social activities, as well as to volunteer in their community. Although the project will benefit all types of migrant women, it is designed to be particularly beneficial to those who have a lower level of education or income, are socially isolated or in vulnerable circumstances.

Evidence from across the EU shows that migrant women have poorer employment, integration and learning outcomes than migrant men or EU-born women. Peer support and volunteering have been shown to significantly improve migrant women’s integration, learning and employment outcomes, as well as helping them build new social networks, gain confidence and improve their mental and physical health.


Increase the amount and quality of peer support and volunteer opportunities for migrant women.
To create more capacity for practitioners and more opportunities for migrant women, the longer-term PEPA project will foster better communication and knowledge sharing between individuals and agencies working in this space.


Direct target group

Women from immigrant and ethnic minority backgrounds 

Migrant and gender organizations / voluntary / statutory organizations 

Indirect target group

Training providers, practitioners, teachers, volunteers and facilitators

Partner organizations and their staff

Policymakers and other stakeholders

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